Blind Channel estimation for MIMO systems using Linear Space time codes

Perform channel estimation for general STBC-MIMO systems using a subspace approach.
Aktualisiert 12. Nov 2009

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The channel estimation algorithm is based on a subspace approach. The method works only for identifiable STBCs (excluding >=1-rate STBCs). See publication [1] for more detail about the algorithm and the identifiability conditions. The zip file contains three m files.

- space_time_coding.m (perform space time coding)
- subspace_channel_estimation_STBC.m (channel estimation)
- one_shot.m (show an example)

To use these files, extract the three files in the same folder. Then, call the script one_shot in the matlab command window.


[1] Ammar, N.; Ding, Z. "Blind Channel Identifiability for Generic Linear Space-Time Block Codes" IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Volume 55, Issue 1, Jan. 2007 Page(s):202 - 217

Zitieren als

Choqueuse Vincent (2024). Blind Channel estimation for MIMO systems using Linear Space time codes (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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