Distance between GPS points

Calculates distance between two GPS coordinates through Carlson model.
Aktualisiert 4. Nov 2009

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This program calculates distance between two decimal GPS coordinates matrices. The model used in this calculation utilizes Carlson (1999) model.

Import the sample_data.xls file, creating vectors from each column using column names or you can enter your own GPS data into lat1,long1,lat2 and long2 variables, then run this m-file.

The output of this program is
1- Calculated distance between Point1(long1(i),lat1(i)) and point2(long2(i),lat2(i)) shwon as distance_m (metric system) and distance_ft (US system)
2- Plot of long1 vs lat1
3- Plot of long2 vs. lat2
4- Plot of distance_m vs. # points

Zitieren als

Dr. Redmond Ramin Shamshiri (2025). Distance between GPS points (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25743-distance-between-gps-points), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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Erstellt mit R14
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