gaimc : Graph Algorithms In Matlab Code
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While MatlabBGL uses the Boost Graph Library for efficient graph routines,
gaimc implements everything in pure Matlab code. While the routines are
slower, they aren't as slow as I initially thought. Since people often
have problems getting MatlabBGL to compile on new versions of Matlab
or on new architectures, this library is then a complement to MatlabBGL.
See the published M-files for a few examples of the capabilities.
depth first search (dfs)
breadth first search (bfs)
connected components (scomponents)
maximum weight bipartite matching (bipartite_matching)
Dijkstra's shortest paths (dijkstra)
Prim's minimum spanning tree (mst_prim)
clustering coefficients (clustercoeffs)
directed clustering coefficients (dirclustercoeffs)
core numbers (corenums)
The project is maintained at github :
Zitieren als
David Gleich (2025). gaimc : Graph Algorithms In Matlab Code (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
- Sciences > Physics > Networks >
- MATLAB > Mathematics > Graph and Network Algorithms > Modify Nodes and Edges > Dijkstra algorithm >
- MATLAB > Mathematics > Graph and Network Algorithms > Construction > Directed Graphs >
Inspiriert von: MatlabBGL
Inspiriert: Jorsorokin/HDBSCAN, FGT - Fold Geometry Toolbox
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