
Version (4,26 KB) von Matt Fig
Puts axes in the center of a plot. Zooming, panning and some command line manipulations allowed.
Aktualisiert 19. Feb 2009

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AXESCENTER(AX) puts axes in the center of axes AX. If AX is not specified, the current axes will be used. Many commonly used command line options are available to manipulate the center axes, as well as zoom and pan from the figure's menubar. See the help for a fuller description of features, and a demo.

This function relies on undocumented and unsupported properties, so it may not work on some versions of Matlab.

Tested on 2007a 2007b and 2006a.

Please email me about bugs and other concerns, and email me if this doesn't work on your version of Matlab. Thanks.

Zitieren als

Matt Fig (2025). axescenter (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2007a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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Inspiriert von: PlotAxisAtOrigin

Inspiriert: oaxes - central axis lines through an origin

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

Fixed problem of non-figure parents.

Input checking to insure axes handle is passed.