stlwrite - write ASCII or Binary STL files
** Big speed boost courtesy of Oliver Woodford. Recommended to update to latest version **
stlwrite(FILE, FV) writes a stereolithography (STL) file to FILE for a
triangulated patch defined by FV (a structure with fields 'vertices'
and 'faces').
stlwrite(FILE, FACES, VERTICES) takes faces and vertices separately,
rather than in an FV struct
stlwrite(FILE, X, Y, Z) creates an STL file from surface data in X, Y,
and Z. stlwrite triangulates this gridded data into a triangulated
surface using triangulation options specified below. X, Y and Z can be
two-dimensional arrays with the same size. If X and Y are vectors with
length equal to SIZE(Z,2) and SIZE(Z,1), respectively, they are passed
through MESHGRID to create gridded data. If X or Y are scalar values,
they are used to specify the X and Y spacing between grid points.
stlwrite(...,'PropertyName',VALUE,'PropertyName',VALUE,...) writes an
STL file using the following property values:
MODE - File is written using 'binary' (default) or 'ascii'.
TITLE - Header text (max 80 chars) written to the STL file.
TRIANGULATION - When used with gridded data, TRIANGULATION is either:
'delaunay' - (default) Delaunay triangulation of X, Y
'f' - Forward slash division of grid quads
'b' - Back slash division of quadrilaterals
'x' - Cross division of quadrilaterals
Note that 'f', 'b', or 't' triangulations now use an
inbuilt version of FEX entry 28327, "mesh2tri".
FACECOLOR - Single colour (1-by-3) or one-colour-per-face (N-by-3)
vector of RGB colours, for face/vertex input. RGB range
is 5 bits (0:31), stored in VisCAM/SolidView format
Example 1:
% Write binary STL from face/vertex data
tmpvol = false(20,20,20); % Empty voxel volume
tmpvol(8:12,8:12,5:15) = 1; % Turn some voxels on
fv = isosurface(~tmpvol, 0.5); % Make patch w. faces "out"
stlwrite('test.stl',fv) % Save to binary .stl
Example 2:
% Write ascii STL from gridded data
[X,Y] = deal(1:40); % Create grid reference
Z = peaks(40); % Create grid height
Example 3:
% Write binary STL with coloured faces
cVals = fv.vertices(fv.faces(:,1),3); % Colour by Z height.
cLims = [min(cVals) max(cVals)]; % Transform height values
nCols = 255; cMap = jet(nCols); % onto an 8-bit colour map
fColsDbl = interp1(linspace(cLims(1),cLims(2),nCols),cMap,cVals);
fCols8bit = fColsDbl*255; % Pass cols in 8bit (0-255) RGB triplets
Zitieren als
Sven (2025). stlwrite - write ASCII or Binary STL files (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
- Physical Modeling > Simscape Multibody > Model Import >
- MATLAB > Graphics > 2-D and 3-D Plots > Surfaces, Volumes, and Polygons > Volume Visualization > Vector Volume Data >
Inspiriert von: surf2stl, mesh2tri
Inspiriert: BiofilmQ, MRIqual, stlTools, Brain Projections, Weighted Lattice Generator, NIfTI Studio, Microscopy Image Browser (MIB), Microscopy Image Browser 2 (MIB2), stlwrite - Write binary or ascii STL file, punctureSurface, Export Voxel Data
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
---|---|---|---| | Added input check for non-triangulated faces and fixed summary display to print correct face count |
|| | Corrected face count printed output bug. Added example with coloured faces. |
|| | Embedded version of Kevin's mesh2tri for convenience. |
|| | Added faceColor implementation |
|| | Huge speed improvements courtesy of Oliver Woodford. Reduction in write-time is proportional to file size. |
|| | Allowed for more general input types, and added capability for more features to be written to STL file. |
|| | Vectorised normal direction calculations and streamlined fprint/fwrite calls. 75% faster writing speeds. |
|| |