imagescnan.m v2.1 (Aug 2009)

Same as IMAGESC but ignores NaNs.
Aktualisiert 20. Aug 2009

Lizenz anzeigen

>> imagescnan(Z) % Uncolored NaNs
>> imagescnan(Z,'k') % Colored

IMAGESC is a good option when the user doesn't like the interpolating behaviour of SURF or PCOLOR, because EVERY element is drawn as a single pixel CENTERED with the axis value.

The problem with this function is that it doesn't work properly with NaNs elements (although sometimes SURF neither does): they are drawn with the lower color of the current colormap.

This functions uses IMAGESC but ignores the NaNs elements.

The user can specify the NaNs color, a different color mask, or another value to be ignored.

If the user gives X and Y data with no constant increment, PATCH is used instead of IMAGESC (this is experimental!).

To freeze the colormap check COLORFREEZE and CBFREEZE here at the FileExchange.

(Bugs reports and suggestions will be very appreciated)

Zitieren als

Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (2024). imagescnan.m v2.1 (Aug 2009) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Version Veröffentlicht Versionshinweise

v2.1 Fixed BUG related with RGB image input.

V2.0. Totally rewritten code. Do not converts to RGB anymore. Do not freezes the colormap anymore. Do not output any colorbar. New X and Y variable steps accepted input. Now uses patches.

1. Fixed color vector BUG found by Greg King.
2. Now accepts RGB images as input.