Hypervolume Indicator

Version (1,63 KB) von Yi Cao
A tool to estimate the hypervolume indicator
Aktualisiert 21. Apr 2008

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In Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (EMO), an algorithm produces a set of points in the performance space as an estimation of the Pareto front. A quantitive measure is desired to estimate the closeness of the estimated data points to the true Pareto front.

One of such measures is the hypervolume indicator, which gives the hypervolume between the estimated Pareto front (P) and a reference point (R). However, to rigorously calcuate the indicator is time-consuming. This tool uses a Monte Carlo approach to estimate the hypervolume by calculating the percentage of a set of random points in the performance space to be dominated by the Pareto front.

The code was developed in response to a request made by Timo Aittokoski, who used the Pareto Front code developed by the Author.

Zitieren als

Yi Cao (2024). Hypervolume Indicator (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/19651-hypervolume-indicator), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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