MPC Tutorial I: Dynamic Matrix Control

Version (28 KB) von Yi Cao
A tutorial for beginners to learn dynamic matrix control
Aktualisiert 8. Apr 2008

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This is the first part of the planned series for Model Predictive Control (MPC) tutorials.

Dynamic Matrix Control is the first MPC algorithm developed in early 1980s. It is probably also the most widely used MPC algorithm in industry due to the fact that its internal model, the step response model is easy to obtain in an industrial process.

The package provides a dmc function to perform dynamic matrix control and to show the principal of DMC. An example file is included to show how the dmc function can be used to solve a control problem. It only uses basic MATLAB commands. No any other toolboxe is required.

Zitieren als

Yi Cao (2024). MPC Tutorial I: Dynamic Matrix Control (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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