Agilent Spectrum Analyzer Seminar Examples

Agilent MXA, PSA Seminar Examples
Aktualisiert 12. Feb 2008

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These are multiple M files. The examples are from the Agilent seminars.

Please visit the Mathworks site for information on future seminars that will demonstrate these examples.

The examples include the following...
1. Getting Trace Data and plotting
2. SA Visualization (also posted standalone in File Exchange)
Please run ADV_Start to initiate program.
3. AM/FM demod with GUI
4. AM/FM tune and listen (also posted standalone)
Please run tuneAndListen.m to initiate.
5. Plotting a QPSK constellation (IQ)
Driver included

Note...the signal generator examples are not included. Please contact Agilent for more help on running the programs. More information can be found at

Zitieren als

Richard Overdorf (2024). Agilent Spectrum Analyzer Seminar Examples (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2007b
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Added some more description.