High accuracy optical flow
This code implements two variations of the paper
"High accuracy optic flow using a theory for warping" presented at ECCV 2004 by Dr. Thomas Brox.
Its variants appeared in "Particle Video"
presented at CVPR 2006 by Dr. Peter Sand.
The files optical_flow_brox.m and
optical_flow_sand.m are the files you need to run.
optical_flow_brox.m implements the traditional algorithm. Just replace the first lines where images are read, with your image, and start the process.
optical_flow_sand.m implements a variant presented in CVPR 2006. Again just replace the lines "img1 = imread('...')" and "img2 = imread('...')" with your images and the rest is automatic.
The variable num_levels controls the number of images in the laplacian pyramid to be constructed. Change it to suit your convenience.
The way to tweak / use the code is described in the documentation pdf that is attached with the code. It can also be accessed from
In order to tweak the code, however, you need to read the two papers...
Zitieren als
Visesh Chari (2025). High accuracy optical flow (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/17500-high-accuracy-optical-flow), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Windows macOS LinuxKategorien
- Image Processing and Computer Vision > Computer Vision Toolbox > Tracking and Motion Estimation > Motion Estimation >
- MATLAB > Graphics > Images > Read, Write, and Modify Image >
- Engineering > Electrical and Computer Engineering > Optics >
Inspiriert: asphere parameters
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