VRECKON: Find the endpoint of a geodesic on the ellipsoidal earth

Obtains a final location on ellipsoidal earth, given a start point, an azimuth and a distance.
Aktualisiert 13. Nov 2007

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This function uses the Vincenty direct algorithm to solve the "forward geodesic problem," which is the problem of computing the endpoint of a geodesic (shortest-distance) path on the ellipsoidal earth, given the start point, a path length, and a starting azimuth. This process is also called "reckoning."

In 1975, Vincenty published a rapidly converging algorithm for this calculation. Since then, his algorithm has since seen significant implementation in geodesy and engineering. The algorithm is precise to within a few millimeters. Please see code comments for references.

Michael Kleder, Nov 2007

Zitieren als

Michael Kleder (2025). VRECKON: Find the endpoint of a geodesic on the ellipsoidal earth (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/17493-vreckon-find-the-endpoint-of-a-geodesic-on-the-ellipsoidal-earth), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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