Rayleigh Fading Channel BER vs SNR for M-PSK Modulations

Version 1.0.0 (2,61 KB) von KAZIM
Rayleigh Fading Channel BER vs SNR for M-PSK Modulations in Simulation and Theory
Aktualisiert 6. Sep 2024

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You can simulate Rayleigh Fading Channel BER vs SNR for M-PSK modulations in simulation and theory using the function rayleigh_fading_channel. Explanations about parameters and the code are clearly given in the script. There is an example of 2, 4, and 8 PSK modulations.
Bit errors are detected by looking at corresponding angles. Carefully consider noise power and variances. Gray coding is implemented, so simulated BER is close to BER in theory value.

Zitieren als

KAZIM (2025). Rayleigh Fading Channel BER vs SNR for M-PSK Modulations (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/172289-rayleigh-fading-channel-ber-vs-snr-for-m-psk-modulations), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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