Makes a software package by lexically checking the dependencies of the specified m-file(s). Uses the lexdepfun.m function, rather than Mathwork's depfun.m program, so can be used for assembling packages for GUI applications (Matlab's depfun.m does not detect callback dependencies and in any case is somewhat unreliable).
Only user-defined m-files are included in the package created by lexmkpackage.m (Mathworks m-files are ignored).
M-files may be packaged in a set of sub-directories corresponding to the m-files' original locations (the default), in a single directory or combined into a single m-file. If packaged in sub-directories, the packaged m-files will be accompanied by an additional m-file called "package_path.m". Running package_path.m will result in the package's directories and sub-directories being added to Matlab's search path.
New version, June 2008: rewritten largely from scratch. Now handles class-definition directories ("@-directories").
Zitieren als
Kevin Bartlett (2025). lexmkpackage (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/16384-lexmkpackage), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
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Version | Veröffentlicht | Versionshinweise | |
---|---|---|---| | Bugfix--lexdepfun.m was incorrectly returning dependencies of mfiles from the matlabroot directory in certain circumstances. |
|| | Rewrote to handle class-definition directories ("@-directories"). |