
Writes double array X to an output ASCII file.
Aktualisiert 26. Apr 2002

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DOUBLE2ASCII writes an input double array to an output ASCII file. If a single format specifier is specified in the input format string, that format will be used for all columns of X. The user may also specify different formats for each column of the double array X.

Example 1: Export array X to ASCII file with the same format for all columns.

X = rand(300,10);
double2ascii('foo1.txt', X, '%4.2f');

Example 2: Export array X to ASCII file with a different format for each column.

year = (1991:2000)';
x = (1:10)';
column2 = x / 100;
column3 = x * 1e27;
X = [ year column2 column3];
double2ascii('foo2.txt', X, '%d %5.2f %10.3e');

produces an ASCII file that looks like this:

1991 0.01 1.000e+027
1992 0.02 2.000e+027
1993 0.03 3.000e+027
1994 0.04 4.000e+027
1995 0.05 5.000e+027
1996 0.06 6.000e+027
1997 0.07 7.000e+027
1998 0.08 8.000e+027
1999 0.09 9.000e+027
2000 0.10 1.000e+028

Zitieren als

Denis Gilbert (2025). double2ascii (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R12.1
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
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