Chaotic B-Spline Curve and Surface Encryption

Encrypt B-Spline Curves and Surfaces using chaotic systems
Aktualisiert 12. Mär 2024

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The code implements the B-Spline curve and surface encryption method proposed in the following work:
Moysis, L., Lawnik, M., Antoniades, I. P., Kafetzis, I., Baptista, M. S., & Volos, C. (2023). Chaotification of 1D maps by multiple remainder operator additions—application to B-spline curve encryption. Symmetry, 15(3), 726.
Please cite this work if you use the code below.
The code is broken in sections. Run each section separately using ctr+enter, or by clicking the 'run section' button.
Details about the encryption process are provided in the paper.
The teapot data are available from the following link:
Please also cite the link above if you intend to use the data.
Lazaros Moysis

Zitieren als

Lazaros Moysis (2024). Chaotic B-Spline Curve and Surface Encryption (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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