Manipulation of plots

Version 1.0.1 (1,95 MB) von Peter Nagy
The function works just as Mathematica's manipulate function. It allows the user to change the plotted data dynamically on a GUI.
Aktualisiert 29. Dez 2023

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The function is similar to Mathematica's 'manipulate' function providing an interactive user interface for visulizing the effect of changing a variable on an expression/plot. The variables specified by the command are manipulated by sliders in the graphical user interface. If you click on the 'Stop rescaling' checkbox, the scale will not be rescaled during manipulation, i.e., the scale limits are frozen at the values when the checkbox was clicked.
'command' is the expression that is manipulated. It has to be enclosed between single quotation marks, and it has to contain the variable whose value is to be manipulated.
{var1,low,high,step} - a cell (or a series of cells if multiple variables are manipulated) that contains the variable name placed between single quotation marks, its lowest and highest value, and optionally a step size, e.g., {'t',0,100}, {'s',0,10,0.5}
plotSize - an optional parameter specifying the X and Y size of the plot, e.g. [600 400]
manipulate('plot(x,medfilt1(y(:,t),q));set(gca,''ylim'',[-1 1])',{'t',1,40,1},{'q',1,51,10},[600 400])
Issue the following command to test the function with the sample data:

Zitieren als

Peter Nagy (2025). Manipulation of plots (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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