
High level tools for working with HDF5 files in MATLAB
Aktualisiert 4. Jun 2023

Matlab H5 Tools

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Matlab H5 Tools provides a collection of tools for working with Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) files. MATLAB already provides excellent support for HDF5 files with both high-level and low-level access functions. The primary purpose of this library is to provide additional high-level functions that simplify actions that are currently only supported via the low-level interface.

The project also serves as a simple example of a MATLAB toolbox that uses the MATLAB class-based unit testing framework with continuous integration and code coverage running automatically using GitHub actions.


The tools can be installed directly from the MATLAB Add-On Explorer. Select Add-Ons and search for Matlab H5 Tools, then select Add, Add to MATLAB.


The functions are contained within the h5tools namespace. After installing, the functions can be called by pre-pending the namespace, e.g., h5tools.copyGroup(...).


Tests are written using the MATLAB testing framework and are contained in the tests folder (this is only visible if cloning from GitHub, rather than installing from MATLAB). The tests are executed automatically every push to the repository. The tests can be executed locally using runtests('path/to/matlab-h5-tools/tests');.

Related tools

There are many excellent related projects on GitHub with similar goals. In particular, h5tools-matlab has a very extensive set of high-level tools.

Zitieren als

Bradley Treeby (2025). matlab-h5-tools (, GitHub. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2023a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux
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