
Version 1.0.0 (1,88 KB) von Jim Hickel
Analyzes audio file and will remove the silence and concatenate all the sound into one shorter file.
Aktualisiert 15. Jun 2022

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This was originally developed to analyze LiveATC files and eliminate the silence between transmissions. The raw audio file is read and plotted vs. time. The program will step through in 1 second increments analyzing each chunk of the file. If the max signal in that section is over a threshold it will save that chunk to a new variable. The loop will work through the entire file and upon completion, write all of the sound snippets to one file.
The current technique is a bit slow and basically uses brute force. Looking at the file by audio spectrum is possible but you need the Signal Analyzer license. For short files, this is the cheapest way to go. Have tested on 30min files and works well. Will also analyze multi-channel files, breaking them down into individual .wav files.

Zitieren als

Jim Hickel (2024). AudioSilenceDelete (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

Kompatibilität der MATLAB-Version
Erstellt mit R2022a
Kompatibel mit allen Versionen
Windows macOS Linux

Inspiriert von: Silence removal in speech signals

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