McCabe-Thiele Distillation with Constant Relative Volatility

Version 1.0.0 (2,53 MB) von Robby Ching
A code that automatically computes the required number of plates, optimal feed plate, and minimum number of plates at Const. Rel. Volatility
Aktualisiert 10. Mai 2022

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System: Binary
Design method: McCabe-Thiele
Condition: Distillation with Constant Relative Volatility
Required User inputs:
-Feed amount (in mol)
-Mole fraction of More Volatile Component (MVC) in Feed, Distillate, and Bottoms
-Relative volatility of system
-External Reflux Ratio (R or Lo/D)
-q value for q line
-number of plates required at the given reflux ratio
-optimal feed plate
-minimum number of plates at total reflux
-McCabe-Thiele Plot at the given reflux ratio
-McCabe-Thiele Plot at total reflux
Special Contributors: (for validating the computed values and contributing to the documentation file)
-Ms. Maegan Gwyneth T. Alcaraz
-Ms. Sofia Isabella D. Dimalanta
-Mr. Piolo Gabriel N. Gervacio
Special thanks to: (our professor who gave the task to us and taught us the fundamentals of binary distillation)
-Dr. Nathaniel P. Dugos

Zitieren als

Robby Ching (2024). McCabe-Thiele Distillation with Constant Relative Volatility (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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