LinkedList provides for doubly and multiple linked lists

Dlnode and Mdlnode classes enhance:
Aktualisiert 4. Apr 2022

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The LinkedList.Dlnode class is based on the MATLAB documentation example for using handles to implement forward and backward linked nodes. The Mdlnode class takes this further by allowing the same node to be placed in multiple linked lists at the same time. In addition, methods to support additional functionality and to simplify application usage have been added to both classes while keeping the same method signatures.
The LinkedList package uses the FormattedData package for its delault 'disp' method to display nodes and chains. Use either Dlnode or Mdlnode as a superclass to your class to override this capability. Note that although neither Dlnode or Mdlnode are abstract it is likely you will use it as a superclass to define properties and additional methods anyway.

Zitieren als

Jeffrey Clark (2024). LinkedList provides for doubly and multiple linked lists (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.

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