Usage: figurehandle= errorfill(x, y, E1, E2, ..., LineSpec)
Use this function to draw a curve and its areas of confidence. Draws the line y(x), then draws the areas E1(x), E2(x), ... (Well actually it's done in the opposite order, to minimize overlap.)
The x values for y, E1, E2, ...
If x is a scalar, then (x, x+1, x+2, ...) is used.
If x is empty, then (1, 2, ...) is used.
Values must be finite and not NaN.
Defines the curve, y(x).
Values must be finite and not NaN.
The 'error' of y. Defines the area.
If E is a scalar, the shade will be between y(n)*(1+E) and y(n)*(1-E).
If E is of size (1,2) or (2,1), it will be between y(n)*(1+E(1)) and y(n)*(1-E(2)).
If E is a vector, the shade will be between y(n)+E(n) and y(n)-E(n).
If E is a double vector, the shade will be between y(n)+E(1,n) and y(n)-E(2,n).
Inf is marked by a jump up to a '^' symbol.
-Inf is marked by a jump down to a 'v' symbol.
NaN is marked by a jump up or down to a '*' symbol.
(Default: 'k') Line specification for y(x), e.g. 'b+'.
The E:s must be given in increasing size, or an area will be covered by a previous and larger area.
errorbar(x, y, E, LineSpec) corresponds to errorfill(x, y, E, LineSpec).
errorbar(x, y, L, U, LineSpec) corresponds to errorfill(x, y, [U; L], LineSpec).
x= (1:0.25:10);
y= x.^2;
E3= [ones(1, length(x))*30; 0.7*y]; % 30 above and 0.3*y below
E3(1,7)= Inf;
E3(2,10)= Inf;
E3(2,25)= NaN;
errorfill(x, y, [0.1 0.02], 0.3, E3, 'b-+');
legend('E3', 'E2', 'E1', 'x^2','Inf','-Inf','NaN');
Make it work for y-values of Inf, -Inf, and NaN.
Zitieren als
Peder Axensten (2025). errorfill (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen.
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- MATLAB > Graphics > 2-D and 3-D Plots > Line Plots >
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