FM RDS Receiver with the RTL-SDR

An FM broadcast receiver with RDS (Radio Data System) demodulator and decoder using the RTL-SDR
Aktualisiert 6. Okt 2021

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This Simulink model implements an FM broadcast receiver with RDS (Radio Data System) demodulator and decoder. It is used for teaching analog and digital modulation in a real-world application using a low-cost hardware, the RTL-SDR.
The model provides an audio ouput of the radio station and displays text messages transmitted via RDS. A spectrum plot and signal constellation plots give insight in the operation of the FM demodulator, the BPSK demodulator and the timing recovery.
A detailed description is included in the package.

Zitieren als

Carsten Roppel (2024). FM RDS Receiver with the RTL-SDR (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Abgerufen .

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Erstellt mit R2020a
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Windows macOS Linux
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