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Kindly help me correct this code to function properly. I am just learning MATLAB. i cannot get the output in abc frame. This is the code:
%----------- Define input and state parameters-----------------------------
v_dc = 350; % DC input voltage in V
m = 0.841; % modulation index
C = 4000e-6; % DC buss capacitance in uf
L_1 = 2.5e-3; % Inverter side inductance in mH
L_2 = 2.5e-3; % Load side inductance in mH
L = 0; % load inductance
C_f = 10e-6; % filter capacitance in uf
R_f = 0.7; % damping resistance in ohms
R_L = 20; % load resistance in ohms
f_s = 10e3; % switching frequency
f = 60; % System frequency
R_s = 0.01; % Capacitance of the DC circuit
I_d = 8.594; % steady state current
w = 2*pi*f; % System angular Frequency
% Define initial steady state values
v_c = 349.4; i_d = 8.594; i_q = -0.213; v_df = 285; v_qf = -120; i_Ld = 8.594; i_Lq = 0.85;
%------------------S V P W M Generator-------------------------------------
% Define reference vector Uref
U_mag = m*v_dc/2; % Magnitude of Uref
% Define switching vectors
U1 = [v_dc/2;0]; % Vector Q1
U2 = [v_dc/4;sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q2
U3 = [-v_dc/4;sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q3
U4 = [-v_dc/2;0]; % Vector Q4
U5 = [-v_dc/4;-sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q5
U6 = [v_dc/4;-sqrt(3)*v_dc/4]; % Vector Q6
% Define sector angles
theta1 = pi/6;
theta2 = pi/2;
theta3 = 5*pi/6;
theta4 = 7*pi/6;
theta5 = 3*pi/2;
theta6 = 11*pi/6;
% Define duty cycles for each switch using a for loop
for t=0:1/f_s:1/f % Time variable from 0 to one cycle of system frequency with steps of switching frequency
U_phase = w*t; % Phase of Uref (t is time variable)
U_alpha = U_mag*cos(U_phase); % Alpha component of Uref
U_beta = U_mag*sin(U_phase); % Beta component of Uref
if (0 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta1) % Sector 1
T1 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T2 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T1 - T2;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T1 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T2 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
elseif (theta1 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta2) % Sector 2
T3 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T2 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T3 - T2;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T2 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T3 + T0/2;
elseif (theta2 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta3) % Sector 3
T3 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T4 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T3 - T4;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T3 + T0/2;
elseif (theta3 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta4) % Sector 4
T5 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T4 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T5 - T4;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T5 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T4 + T0/2;
elseif (theta4 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta5) % Sector 5
T5 = (-sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T6 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T5 - T6;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T5 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T6 + T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
elseif (theta5 <= U_phase) && (U_phase < theta6) % Sector 6
T1 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta + U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T6 = (sqrt(3)*U_beta - U_alpha)/(2*v_dc);
T0 = 1 - T1 - T6;
d_a(round(t)+1) = T1 + T0/2;
d_b(round(t)+1) = T0/2;
d_c(round(t)+1) = T6 + T0/2;
%-------------------------Define system matrices---------------------------
% Create Three-phase SVPWM VSI Inverter
% System matrix Nx-by-Nx matrix
A = [-1/(C*R_s),-sqrt(3)*m/(2*C),0,0,0,0,0;
0, 0, R_f/(3*(L_2+L)), -sqrt(3)/(6*(L_2+L)), 1/(2*(L_2+L)), -w, ((-3*R_L-R_f)/(3*(L_2+L)))];
% Define input matrix
B = [1/(C*R_s),-sqrt(3)*i_d/(2*C);d_a*v_dc,(sqrt(3)*v_c)/L_1;d_b*v_dc,0;d_c*v_dc,0;0,0;0,0;0,0]; % Nx-by-Nu input matrix
% Define output matrix
C = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0; % Ny-by-Nx matrix
0 0 1 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 1 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 1];
% Feedthrough matrix
D = zeros(6, 2); % Ny-by-Nu matrix
% create state-space model object
sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
% Define initial conditions and input
x0 = [v_c; i_d; i_q; v_df; v_qf; i_Ld; i_Lq]; % Initial state vector
t = 0:1e-6:0.5; % Time vector for simulation
u = repmat([v_dc;m],1,length(t)); % repeat u for each time step
% Simulate the system
[y, ~, x] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0);
% Extract the states
v_c_sim = x(:, 1);
i_d_sim = x(:, 2);
i_q_sim = x(:, 3);
v_df_sim = x(:, 4);
v_qf_sim = x(:, 5);
i_Ld_sim = x(:, 6);
i_Lq_sim = x(:, 7);
% Extract the outputs
v_abc_sim = y(:, 1:3);
i_abc_sim = y(:, 4:6);
v_dq_sim = y(:, 4:5);
i_dq_sim = y(:, 2:3);
% Plot the variables
subplot(4, 2, 1);
plot(t, v_c_sim);
title('Capacitor Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 2);
plot(t, i_d_sim);
title('d-Axis Current');
subplot(4, 2, 3);
plot(t, i_q_sim);
title('q-Axis Current');
subplot(4, 2, 4);
plot(t, v_df_sim);
title('d-Component Filter Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 5);
plot(t, v_qf_sim);
title('q-Component Filter Voltage');
subplot(4, 2, 6);
plot(t, i_Ld_sim);
title('d-Axis Load Current');
subplot(4, 2, 7);
plot(t, i_Lq_sim);
title('q-Axis Load Current');
% Perform coordinate transformation from dq frame to abc frame for currents
i_a_sim = cos(w*t)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t)*i_q_sim;
i_b_sim = cos(w*t - 2*pi/3)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t - 2*pi/3)*i_q_sim;
i_c_sim = cos(w*t + 2*pi/3)*i_d_sim - sin(w*t + 2*pi/3)*i_q_sim;
% Perform coordinate transformation from dq frame to abc frame for voltages
v_a_sim = cos(w*t)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t)*v_qf_sim;
v_b_sim = cos(w*t - 2*pi/3)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t - 2*pi/3)*v_qf_sim;
v_c_sim = cos(w*t + 2*pi/3)*v_df_sim - sin(w*t + 2*pi/3)*v_qf_sim;
Many thanks

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement 3 level space vector modulation for a multilevel inverter. Without mapping vector for region selection of three level space vector, I am getting reference angle started from sector-1 to sector-6 as shown in ''theta_ref'' file. But when I am implementing mapping references for region selection (please see in the attached file ''mapping_reference''), the reference angle is shifting 180 degree that means it is starting from sector-6 to sector-1 as in attached file ''theta_ref_with_region_identification''. Could anyone please let me know why this is happening and how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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