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This free webinar will be very interesting to people in this community. The professors will discuss the importance of power electronics and modeling and control algorithms in creating a sustainable future.
Be sure to register on the website.
Regards, Samvith
Many microcontroller companies support motor control development using Simulink and Embedded Coder. Here are some interesting reads about some of them. Do you know others? Let us know with your reply.
The new generation of power semiconductors is making it's way into the mainstream. IEEE is hosting a webinar with Brij Singh of John Deere, who will talk about the application of SiC in an inverter for a commercial loader. You can read the abstract and register here.
Also, there is a ouTube video of a hybrid loader shown here Pretty cool.
Solar power is the fastest growing form of renewable energy. One challenge is that is requires sunlight, which means once the sun sets, you don't generate power. Energy storage (large battery packs) is one solution to capturing excess power during daylight for use during night time. Recently, Design News covered Tesla's Megapack energy storage solution. I think this is a great example of what needs to be done, to be sure, other companies are providing similar solutions, like NEC Energy Storage .
These systems have another benefit, too. They are a fast-acting form of dispatchable power , that along with renewable power, can provide stability to the power grid.
Please share your thoughts on grid-level energy storage. Is it a key component or nice to have?
can you tell how c2000_host_read_12M.slx is working and subsystems of it. its not discussed in the video morever how you ran the model f28379 in ccs and host in normal.? can you explain like step by step i tried same but got error n error occurred while running the simulation and the simulation was terminated Caused by: Error evaluating registered method 'Outputs' of MATLAB S-Function 'sserialsb' in 'online_tun/Serial Send/Serial Send'. FWRITE cannot be called. The FlowControl property is set to 'hardware' and the Clear To Send (CTS) pin is low. This could indicate that the serial device may not be turned on, may not be connected, or does not use hardware handshaking.
How can i reduce noise using oversampling in the F28335?
Need srm motor model for 4 pole stator windings
Hello, I want to know if it is possible to create a signal from vectors in simulink, and in what way. Thank you very much in advance
My linear algebra book makes me solve a matrix with the help of a computer. When I tried to solve linear equations with an infinite number of solutions, Mathlab just makes some or all the entries zero. For example, with the set [1 2;2 4]=[0;0] it just gives back [0 0] for an answer. Is there a way for it to give back a parametrization of some kind?
THere are different PI controllers in FOC of Induction motor. flux PI, speed PI, i_d PI and I_q PI. How to tune all these pi controllers?
<> Here is one of the example. How to do this?
I'm working on a simulink design, using MATLAB function. By the benefit of the MATLAB function, I got 1x10 array of which values are like [1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0], I want these values to be sent to the MOSFET's gate sequentially. I thought it would have been done with 'For loop' to send it sequentially but I found out that's not possible since it's just sensed the latest column's value so that I just saw 0 in my scope. Any idea how to do it properly? Below you can see the simulink design.

Hello: your help is greatly appreciated, I am trying to solve the following pde numerically with ode45 (if possible). There are three equations in total. I keep getting an error. know parameters: v, D(j), KL(j), cs(j) The IC and BC are provided in the m.file. pde:
% code % Initial, final values of independent variable tspan = [0 7]; P=1, F2=2, F3=3; c_initial_1= zeros(N+1,1); c_initial_2= zeros(N+1,1); c_initial_3= zeros(N+1,1) if t == 0 c_initial_2(1,2) = cs(2) c_initial_3(1,3) = cs(3) c_initial_1(1,1) = cinj end [t, c, kF2, kF3, kP, n2, m2, n3, m3, q, r] = ode45(@ode, tspan, c_initial_1,c_initial_2, c_initial_3); function [dcdt] = ode(t, c, k2, k3, kP, n2, m2, n3, m3, q, r) global N dx dxs dcdt = zeros(N,N) for i = 1:N for j = P:F3 % j== 1:3 1=persulfate, 2 Fraction 2, and 3 Fraction 3 if j == 1 epsilon = 1 else epsilon = 0 end dcdt(i, j) = (-v/(2*dx))*(c(i+1,j)-c(i-1,j))+(D(j)/dxs)*(c(i+1,j)... -2*c(i,j)-c(i-1,j))+(1-epsilon)*kL(j)*(cs(j)-c(i,j))- ... (1-epsilon)*k(j)*(c(i,j)^n(j)*(c(i,1)^m(j))- ... epsilon*kP*(c(i,j+epsilon)+c(i,j+2*epsilon))^q *c(i,1)^r dcdt(N+2,j) = dcdt(N-1,j) dcdt(0,j) = dcdt(2,j) if t == 0 dcdt(1,P) = cinj end end end end end
dc(i,j)/dt=-v*(dc(i,j)/dx)+D(j)*d/dx(dc(i,j)/dx)+(1-epsilon)*kL(j)*(cs(j)-c(i,j))+(1-epsilon)*k(j)*c(i,j)^n(j) * c(i,1)^m(j) + epsilon*kp*[c(i,j+epsilon)+c(i,j+2*epsilon)]^r * c(i,1)^q
Good day everyone,
I'm trying to simulate a single phase transformator by using Simulink. I've got the current values: R1 = 3 Ohm R2 = 0.03 Ohm X1 = 6.5 Ohm X2 = 0.07 Ohm Rc = 100k Ohm Xm = 15k Ohm f = 60 Hz Uprim = 2400V Usec = 240V S = 29kVA cos Phi = 0.8
And I've made the current calculations: L1 = X1/2*pi*f = 17,24 mH L2 = X2/2*pi*f = 185.68 uH Lm = Xm/2*pi*f = 39.79 H S = Urms*Irms => Irms = 120.83 A P = Urms*Irms*cos Phi = 23200 W Q = Urms*Irms*sin Phi = 17400 VAr Q>0 so Q = ohms-inductive => QL = 17400, QC = 0
I've made the current circuit and simulated it, but somehow my secondairy output voltage is only at 225Vrms. Can someone explain to me why that's the case? Did do something wrong in my calculations or in my simulation?
i am confused about how to run as a closed loop. how to do closed-loop control of phase shift using matlab. i am using c2000 embedded by Matlab.
Bonjour A tous,
Je vous écris pour solliciter votre aide si possible. Je travaille en ce moment sur un projet qui consiste a un traitement d'image.
J'utilise une camera thermique associée a une logiciel. Avec ce logiciel, j'enregistre une film de 4 secondes. En gros j'ai une vidéo constituée de 100 images.
Une image comprend 90 pixels donc les valeurs de ces pixels sont reparties en sous forme matricielle (10x9). Ce qui fait que pour les 100 images, j'ai 100 matrices.
L’idée c'est d'avoir une image moyenne donc une moyenne des 100 matrices.
Le problème c'est que je fais le traitement avec ce logiciel. Pour la suite des travaux j'utilise matlab.
J'ai donc besoin de créer un programme sous matlab qui me permet de lire le fichier recueilli par ce logiciel de traitement d'image en me refaisant sortir de façon automatique une moyenne de ces 100 matrices.
Je vous joins en copie un exemple de ce fichier.
J'ai donc besoin de piste pour le programmer.
Je vous remercie d'avance.
Bien cordialement,
Hi, In my circuit, I have an element for which I don't have its equivalent circuit. What I have is a lookup table of its frequency response (magnitude and phase), which is complicated and cannot be represented by a lumped parameters equivalent circuit, and also some of its elements are frequency-dependent. Even if I do obtain somehow its transfer function Laplace representation (using e.g. "System identification" toolbox, and I want to add it to my circuit simulation (Simscape Electrical) as a block.
Does anyone have an idea how to do it? Thank you!
We've been hearing from more and more customers who are interested in using Xilinx's new Zynq UltraScale+ devices in power electronics control applications. The attraction appears to be the dual-core ARM Cortex-R5 processors, which are well suited to hard real time applications. Are you looking at Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCs as a platform for power electronics control? If so, we'd love to hear from you as we look at support for these devices.
In the meantime, MathWorks offers a reference design example for FOC motor control on Zynq-7000 devices that many customers have used as a basis for developing Simulink models for C and HDL code generation.
Hi guys could u guys please help me explain what is happening on this 3 graphs. I am an electrical student and just to be honest i am not a smart student but I'm willing to learn. Please do help me.Ive got my simulation i managed to generate perfect sin wave but i just couldn't explain on the graphs i simulated.
With the need for higher sampling frequencies, power electronics control engineers are moving some of their controller implementations to FPGAs or FPGA-based SoCs. Besides the use of wide-band gap semiconductors (GaN and SiC), what other reasons are driving the need for higher controller sampling frequencies? Let us know your thoughts.