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Hello everyone,

I’m Jiro, and I’m part of the Education Customer Success group at MathWorks. We help academics, students, and institutions achieve success through the use of our tools. I will be the moderator for this new community of distance learning.

As many academic institutions are moving their classes online, we hope that this community will help instructors connect with others who are in the same situation. This community site gathers various resources and information that will be useful for teaching with MATLAB and Simulink in a distance learning setting. We have a number of MathWorks employees monitoring this community, but we want this to be a place for the community to come together. The hope is that the community will grow and the resources gathered here will grow with it.

I encourage you to share best practices ( Discussions ), ask questions ( MATLAB Answers ), and share examples ( File Exchange ).

As a first question, what course are you teaching (or planning to teach) online?

Hello friends i have strugled to develope codes in matlab and spent ample time in converting the available codes to my area . If any of the researcher are interested to share their codes with me are welcomed and collabarations are welcomed ...currenty i need a basic code in unit commitment using real coded and binary coded for Security contrained and integrating Reneweable energy .. I too will share my codes because world is going to vanish soon so my knowledge should spread across the globe

with rds s.praveen kumar

Tony Lennon
Tony Lennon
Letzte Aktivitätam 25 Mär. 2020

Check out this short video on the new features in Simulink R2020a . What's your favorite new feature?

Just wanted to post a link to this video we recently published on YouTube:

PID Controller tuning for a buck converter

Let me know what you think. Arkadiy

Hi everyone,

I am trying to control an actuator with brushless DC Motor in Simulink. At one point, I am in need of the motor rotation and the only parameter available to me is the duty cycle and the direction of rotor. I knew that it is not possible to calculate rotation from duty cycle. In case if some one have idea about this or some suggestions, could you please share with me

Thanks in advance


I am trying to simulate a PMSM, which has a Quasi sinusoidal back-emf waveform. Is there any way I can define the back emf to be anything other than Sinusoidal/Trapezoidal?

Thanks in advance. Saurabh Kumar

Recently, I have been learning the mathematical modeling of switching converters. Looking for a lot of data, I know that the current loop control mainly includes peak current, valley current and average current control methods. The detailed process of peak current modeling is found in the book "modeling, control and digital realization of switch converter". However, my brother has not found the detailed introduction of average current modeling. I would like to ask you brother and sister have any good information recommendation, the best is books (the most detailed explanation). Thank you very much!

I have issue with the design that i have downloaded from mathwork community. how to solve regarding this matter

Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Subsystem/Voltage Measurement/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement1/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement2/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement3/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement4/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement5/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error Failed to load library 'powerlib_models' referenced by 'mcupqc/Three-Phase V-I Measurement6/model' Component:Simulink | Category:Model error

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement 3 level space vector modulation for a multilevel inverter. Without mapping vector for region selection of three level space vector, I am getting reference angle started from sector-1 to sector-6 as shown in ''theta_ref'' file. But when I am implementing mapping references for region selection (please see in the attached file ''mapping_reference''), the reference angle is shifting 180 degree that means it is starting from sector-6 to sector-1 as in attached file ''theta_ref_with_region_identification''. Could anyone please let me know why this is happening and how to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

hi MPPT on the designed bosst circuit does not work correctly. Can i get any help?

This article describes a six-step workflow for estimating the frequency response of an open-loop boost converter.

Estimating the Frequency Response of a Power Electronics Model

I have 1942x1 cell msgs. Single msg format is 1x1 Float64MultiArray. Inside that there is Data 16x1 double. I need to extract data and store them as vector [1942x16]. I was able to read every data and transpose them into 1x16. Now I need to store that 1x16 by row and build final 1942x16 vector. Does anyone have an idea for that?

how to Design ALMS algorithm using simulink please help me, for learning adaptive lms algorithms using simulink..without using LMS block

Good morning everyone,

I recently approached Simscape environment to similute (simple) electrical circuits based on resistors (R), capacitances (C) and direct current generators (I). The experience has been quite satisfactory.

Now I have to couple the Simscape models to novel modifications of sampling-based sensitivity analysis techniques and/or non gradient-based optimization methods (genetic algorithms, particle swarm, particle filters, etc) for model calibration. In this regard, I am not keen on potentilities offered by other toolboxes implemented in Simulink environment, rather than I would like to: i) to update the values of resistors, capacitances and current generators from script ii) to run the simulation from script iii) to collect the output in matlab workspace.

I looked for a while in possible solutions but I understood that it is not an easy task, and that the most common approach is to open the resume mask and manually update the parameters.

I wonder if there is any approach to do what I previously described. I know that it is possible with Simulink model, but have no idea if I can do the same with Simscape model.

The attached image is an example of Simscape model that I want to embed in a sensitivity analysis/optimization loop.

Thank you in advance for your kind advices


I am trying to design a Simulink model for transmission cable to characterize some features of an existing electrical system. I am using the Lumped Parameter L-section with few segments. I want to set initial conditions to each segment capacitors. Is there a way I can set those?

Thanks in Advance.

Actually i have chosen the DC link capacitance in my inverter circuit. i wanted to know how to perform a simulation of it in MATLAB and to check the affecting parameters when the capacitance is varied and obtain a 3D graph.

I have simulated the photovoltaic (PV) module on Simulink as in my simulation. I want to transfer the signals of I-V scope into the plot in Matlab. But the scope do not show the voltage value on the X-axis. Instead, the X-axis shows the time. As a result, when I use the data saved in Matlab workspace, I just get the current-time plot instead of current-voltage plot. How can I fix this problem ? ( The current-time plot is the same as the I-V characteristic in datasheet of the PV panel, but the X-axis expresses the time value. I want to change it into voltage value)

hi MPPT on the designed bosst circuit does not work correctly. can you help?

From where i can start to learn . Please suggest a particular topic or lectures.

Hi,Everyone,I am new member here. I want to learn simulation on projects. Please suggest, from where i can start Simulink easily and learn from Basics to Advance level.

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