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Comma-separated lists are really very simple. You use them all the time. Here is one:
That is a comma-separated list containing four variables, the variables a, b, c, and d. Every time you write a list separated by commas then you are writing a comma-separated list. Most commonly you would write a comma-separated list as inputs when calling a function:
or as arguments to the concatenation operator or cell construction operator:
or as function outputs:
[a,b,c,d] = fun();
It is very important to understand that in general a comma-separated list is NOT one variable (but it could be). However, sometimes it is useful to create a comma-separated list from one variable (or define one variable from a comma-separated list), and MATLAB has several ways of doing this from various container array types:
1) from a field of a structure array using dot-indexing:
struct_array.field % all elements
struct_array(idx).field % selected elements
2) from a cell array using curly-braces:
cell_array{:} % all elements
cell_array{idx} % selected elements
3) from a string array using curly-braces:
string_array{:} % all elements
string_array{idx} % selected elements
Note that in all cases, the comma-separated list consists of the content of the container array, not subsets (or "slices") of the container array itself (use parentheses to "slice" any array). In other words, they will be equivalent to writing this comma-separated list of the container array content:
content1, content2, content3, .. , contentN
and will return as many content arrays as the original container array has elements (or that you select using indexing, in the requested order). A comma-separated list of one element is just one array, but in general there can be any number of separate arrays in the comma-separated list (zero, one, two, three, four, or more). Here is an example showing that a comma-separated list generated from the content of a cell array is the same as a comma-separated list written explicitly:
>> C = {1,0,Inf};
>> C{:}
ans =
ans =
ans =
>> 1,0,Inf
ans =
ans =
ans =
How to Use Comma-Separated Lists
Function Inputs: Remember that every time you call a function with multiple input arguments you are using a comma-separated list:
and this is exactly why they are useful: because you can specify the arguments for a function or operator without knowing anything about the arguments (even how many there are). Using the example cell array from above:
>> vertcat(C{:})
ans =
which, as we should know by now, is exactly equivalent to writing the same comma-separated list directly into the function call:
>> vertcat(1,0,Inf)
ans =
How can we use this? Commonly these are used to generate vectors of values from a structure or cell array, e.g. to concatenate the filenames which are in the output structure of dir:
S = dir(..);
F = {}
which is simply equivalent to
F = {S(1).name, S(2).name, S(3).name, .. , S(end).name}
Or, consider a function with multiple optional input arguments:
opt = {'HeaderLines',2, 'Delimiter',',', 'CollectOutputs',true);
fid = fopen(..);
C = textscan(fid,'%f%f',opt{:});
Note how we can pass the optional arguments as a comma-separated list. Remember how a comma-separated list is equivalent to writing var1,var2,var3,..., then the above example is really just this:
C = textscan(fid,'%f%f', 'HeaderLines',2, 'Delimiter',',', 'CollectOutputs',true)
with the added advantage that we can specify all of the optional arguments elsewhere and handle them as one cell array (e.g. as a function input, or at the top of the file). Or we could select which options we want simply by using indexing on that cell array. Note that varargin and varargout can also be useful here.
Function Outputs: In much the same way that the input arguments can be specified, so can an arbitrary number of output arguments. This is commonly used for functions which return a variable number of output arguments, specifically ind2sub and gradient and ndgrid. For example we can easily get all outputs of ndgrid, for any number of inputs (in this example three inputs and three outputs, determined by the number of elements in the cell array):
C = {1:3,4:7,8:9};
[C{:}] = ndgrid(C{:});
which is thus equivalent to:
[C{1},C{2},C{3}] = ndgrid(C{1},C{2},C{3});
Further Topics:
MATLAB documentation:
Click on these links to jump to relevant comments below:
Dynamic Indexing (indexing into arrays with arbitrary numbers of dimensions)
Nested Structures (why you get an error trying to index into a comma-separated list)
Just remember that in general a comma-separated list is not one variable (although they can be), and that they are exactly what they say: a list (of arrays) separated with commas. You use them all the time without even realizing it, every time you write this:

If you are interested in live script lecture notes in the following areas, take a look at the short course ( Advanced MATLAB for Scientific Computing ) developed at Stanford. You can also download the required data for the examples from the course GitHub page.

  • MATLAB Fundamentals
  • Graphics and Data Visualization
  • Efficient Code Writing
  • System and File Manipulation
  • Big Data Handling
  • Numerical Linear Algebra
  • Numerical Optimization
  • Symbolic Toolbox, ODE, and PDE
  • Statistical and Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Using MATLAB with Other Programming Languages
  • Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Image Acquisition
  • Signal Processing, Audio, and DSP System

In many universities, introductory programming is taught as a foundation course. Students from different departments are usually brought together to learn to program in these foundation courses. Their home departments may have a programming language preference and that preference may change from department to department. Some universities either strictly teach one language in a single course, some of them teach multiple languages in the same course and give students the flexibility to choose their language for the assignments and projects. How can we make students multilingual when it comes to programming? Is there a way to teach multiple languages in a fair light, side by side without creating a new course or sacrificing one language to teach the other one? Dr. Nathan Kutz from the University of Washington found a creative way to teach MATLAB and Python side by side in his AMATH 301 course. This course is an introductory programming course at the University of Washington and almost all engineering students take it. Do you wonder how Dr. Kutz taught this course? Check out these recordings and course resources! They can be utilized in an in-person or a distance learning setting:

Are you looking for ways to keep your students engaged in a virtual setting? Would you like to spice up your courses with hands-on projects? Using Arduino Engineering Kit, you can achieve these. Due to COVID-19, many instructors started to look for creative ways of giving students a lab experience. Some of them chose to create virtual labs, some of them designed hardware projects with low-cost hardware or integrated hardware projects kits to their curriculum. If you are interested in how Dr. Azadi from San Francisco State University used Arduino Engineering Kit during the pandemic to teach his Mechatronics course, check out these articles:

I need to model a brushless motor for which I only have the data of voltage, power, speed, nominal torque, starting torque, max current and total weight, which moves a bicycle. I have studied the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine power_pmmotor Simulink example, but I do not have all the required data. My question is whether it is possible to make an approximate model with my few data. I guess some data could be assumed, but I don't know what typical values ​​would be correct. I would greatly appreciate any suggestion. My best regards.

I'm trying to solve one problem in Cody, but a function 'fmincon' is not recognized by the online compiler. Is there any way to use functions in optimization toolbox in Cody?


I am new to Matlab and looking to model complete EPS system starting with battery modelling. I have seen videos where the modelling is explained but looking for a one which can teach me from the scratch.

Hi, currently I'm studying about DC-DC Boost converter with controller. After I applied the step time, the output voltage supposed to follow the step time, but there is some delay in the simulation results after I applied the "step time" in the step input block. Can someone help, why this delay occur? Please see the attached pictures. Thanks

As per data sheet for VIPER22A, the product is obsolete.

For UC3843A you will have to refer to the data sheet, link given below:

For UC3843A, the reference output voltage is 5 V and the normal output voltage is 13.5 V.

After repairing the power supply of a big water buffalo PC150NCA, now all the parts found to be broken are replaced, but the power-on output 12V is only 4.2V. The original power supply block is UC3843B, which is not sold locally. I can only buy a UC3843A replacement . I don’t know if the low output voltage has anything to do with this (the optocoupler and the 431 voltage regulator block have also been replaced)

Attention all Controls Professors, Teaching Assistants, and Students!

The Virtual Hardware and Labs for Controls by Brian Hong is an absolute must-have from the MATLAB Central File Exchange. With the help of Simscape for physical modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems,

  • students can use the interactive experiments to teach themselves some of the concepts of control theory in a learn by doing approach.
  • professors and TA’s can use this to replace or augment actual lab work.

With tightening budgets and/or in person class restrictions this can help you transfer these vital skills to the students in a fun manner. Here is an overview of the available modules:

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

Hi DLC, in case you haven't seen it already, Dr. Dennis Dahlquist and Dr. Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu recently developed a collection of Virtual Labs in Electric Circuits . Please feel free to explore and share your thoughts!

Rose Li
Rose Li
Letzte Aktivitätam 11 Nov. 2021

With the switching power supply made by VIPER22A scheme , the 5V output always has noise, and the ripple exceeds 200MV after loading. How to change it? 1. 220VAC input, two outputs, 24V and 5V output are noisy, the ripple after 5V load is more than 200MV, 5V is connected with an LDO to 3.3V, and the measured 3.3V is also noisy, and the LDO heats up seriously. Change The LDO remains unchanged. 2. It is suspected that the load current is large, but I changed a circuit board with the same scheme and found that there is no noise. Although there are ripples, it is not very hot. 3. In addition, directly use a 5V adapter to convert to 3.3V through the same LDO. problem. How to change the device in this figure? 4. For hardware novices, the transformer will not be changed temporarily, and I hope to improve it by adjusting other devices.

Mariola Camacho Lie
Mariola Camacho Lie
Letzte Aktivitätam 23 Okt. 2021

I already solved some problems in Cody, why does he not increase my points or allow me to earn badges?

Hi Distance Learning Community members, if you are looking for content in Descriptive Statistics and Probability Distributions for teaching in a course or just brushing up on the concepts yourself, check out these Live Scripts developed by Dr. Ward Nickle from Humboldt State University. If you are interested, this material is also available in Japanese . Enjoy and looking forward to hearing your thoughts!!

I need to put a number of problems on MATLAB cody under same Problem group, as many other people have done.
Can anyone please help me on this.

Several educators worldwide use MATLAB Grader to scale assessments and automatically grade MATLAB coding assignments. MATLAB Grader can be used in any learning environment, for both formative assessments with automated feedback and summative assessments, such as quizzes and exams.

Educators often revise and update their MATLAB Grader problems. They may sometimes want to revisit a past version of a problem, such as to debug an assessment test error. Instructor users can now browse the version history for a specific problem and see draft and final versions.

Note that the versions are read-only and rollback is not supported at this time. However, you can copy code or descriptions and update the problem accordingly.

Get started with MATLAB Grader. If you are new to it, watch the MATLAB Grader Overview video and try the interactive Teaching with MATLAB online course (Section 6 is about MATLAB Grader).

Let's say MathWorks decides to create a MATLAB X release, which takes a big one-time breaking change that abandons back-compatibility and creates a more modern MATLAB language, ditching the unfortunate stuff that's around for historical reasons. What would you like to see in it?
I'm thinking stuff like syntax and semantics tweaks, changes to function behavior and interfaces in the standard library and Toolboxes, and so on.
(The "X" is for major version 10, like in "OS X". Matlab is still on version 9.x even though we use "R20xxa" release names now.)
What should you post where?
Wishlist threads (#1 #2 #3 #4 #5): bugs and feature requests for Matlab Answers
Frustation threads (#1 #2): frustrations about usage and capabilities of Matlab itself
Missing feature threads (#1 #2): features that you whish Matlab would have had
Next Gen threads (#1): features that would break compatibility with previous versions, but would be nice to have
@anyone posting a new thread when the last one gets too large (about 50 answers seems a reasonable limit per thread), please update this list in all last threads. (if you don't have editing privileges, just post a comment asking someone to do the edit)

MATLAB Mobile makes it convenient to learn and teach in disciplines requiring computational thinking, such as mathematics, science, and engineering. It can also be used for virtual labs by acquiring smartphone sensor data. As an instructor, you can author examples in MATLAB and demonstrate them on your smartphone or tablet. Students can follow along on their mobile device or tablet to instantly connect results to the concepts they are learning. This is especially relevant for distance learning, where some students may have limited or no access to a full-fledged computer.

Educators make their course material more interactive, promote self-directed learning, and increase student engagement through Live Editor. You can now run and edit live scripts on iOS and Android devices.

Get MATLAB Mobile on the Play Store or App Store, or learn how to teach using Live Scripts.

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