Problem 58429. ICFP 2022 - RoboPaint Swaps
The ICFP2023 Challenge is Jul 7-10, registraion opens late June. Updates at TwitICFP2023. These contests are insanely complicated and competitive. The challenge evolves every 12 hours with new files and rule updates.
The ICFP2022 HomePage has details of the RoboPaint contest. Twit2022, WriteUps, PriorEvents, Spec, ImageSubmissions, Puzzles, SawickiSolutions are useful links. Posted 6/19/23.
The final round of the contest gave a Baseline png with a matrix of pointers to the blocks giving their regions.
In the contest the leaders tossed the Baseline images as the Swapping function cost was too high, 3*100 per swap thus 30K for this case. Sawicki, aka FrictionlessBananas, scored 15K including 10K for img delta on puzzle 28.
This challenge is to recreate the Goal.png,[m,n,3] matrix,G, from a Baseline.png matrix,B that is broken into 100 square blocks [40,40] with indices 1:100 where 1:10 is left side and 91:100 is the right side.
The output is an Nx2 matrix for swapping blocks [from to] with N<100. Thus [1 100] would swap the Top Left with Bottom Right block.
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