Problem 1022. Knot Count - Speed

The Matlab Semi-Annual Contest Grand Finale is Knots.
This Challenge is to Speed up the Scoring routine that counts the number of Knots.
Details and examples are at Knots Rules.
Input: [adjacency xy]
  • adjacency is an NxN matrix of topologically adjacent(connected) points
  • xy is an Nx2 matrix giving the X and Y coordinates for the N points
Output: nKnots; Number of Knots
Scoring: Speed; Based on cumulative time of Knots [ 3 6 15 18 24 30 37 42 46 49]; Nominal Time 9.7 sec
Baseline Knot Contest Knot scoring for all 50 test cases is 63 seconds on Cody.

Solution Stats

25.0% Correct | 75.0% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Mar 19, 2024

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