Problem 55680. AZPC Oddly Triangular: Small N Part 1 of 5

AZPC created the Oddly Triangular contest on 9/7/22. The challenge is to find the longest sequence of N odd digits such that sum(1:value) is composed of only odd digits. The contest ended on 9/8/22 as Rokicki created a 3.6 million digit solution with the implication that an infinite length pattern had been determined. [N=2, 17, sum(1:17)=153]
This challenge sequence shall step thru the steps and processing types to find Rokicki's result.
This challenge is to find all solutions with lengths 1 thru 7.
M=OddlyTri_1(N,Q) where N=digit length, Q=number of solutions, M is a vector of the Q values.

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85.71% Correct | 14.29% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jun 30, 2024

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