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How do I use the figure window tools to select a curve from multiple superimposed curves in a plot?

14 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a figure window with several plotted curves, each has a different color.
Some of these curves are "nearly" identical in their data, so they are superimposed over each other.
How can I use the mouse to select a specific one of these curves, to change its properties?
Using the mouse always selects the top curve only.
Note: the zoom function in the figure window doesn't even work to help doing this by zooming.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Dave B
Dave B am 7 Aug. 2021
You can use the Plot Browser for this. Click View/Plot Browser and you'll see a list of objects in your axes. When you click on one of the objects in the Plot Browser it will select it.

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