Well, I discovered the root of my problem. So I am using the COESA Atmosphere Model for my air density which is used in my aerodynamic force and moment calculations. The atmosphere model is good up to 84852 meters; after that the data is extrapolated. I think what is happening is that as the density goes to zero, the extrapolation is causing problems.
If I eliminate the atmosphere model and just input a constant air density (e.g. 0.2 kg/m^3), all is well.
Now what is really weird is that if I saturate the density coming out of the atmosphere model to a value above zero (e.g. 0.2 kg/m^3), you would think that would solve my problem since I am keeping it away from zero, right? Wrong. It still fails at the same altitude even though my data shows my density stays at a constant 0.2 kg/m^3. Weird.
I switched to the ISA Atmosphere Model and my simulation runs without problems, however, the model saturates at around 0.1 kg/m^3 instead of going to zero like it should.
I'm just going to make my own air density block and that should solve my issues.