Advice for Speeding Up TIFF concatenation
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Saluatation: Hey guys! I'm new to Matlab and working with someone else's code- thought I'd ask for some crowd-sourced help.
Script Function: I work in a neuro lab that records pictures of mouse brains. The raw files that the cameras record to record pictures from alternating cameras (picture of brain, picture of mouse head, picture of brain, ...). We're converting these files to TIFF, deinterleaving them, and then concatenating the files.
Problem: The concatenation is far too slow to be of any use. I'm not yet learned enough in Matlab to be able to troubleshoot. Suggestions?
%convert micam raw to tiff using image j
javaaddpath 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\java\mij.jar';
javaaddpath 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013a\java\ij.jar';
MIJ.start('C:\users\lee\desktop\imagej');'Install...', 'install=[C:\\Users\\lee\\Desktop\\ImageJ\\macros\\Matthias\\Helmchen Macros modified djm.ijm]');'Run...', 'path=[C:\\Users\\lee\\Desktop\\ImageJ\\macros\\Matthias\\Helmchen Macros modified djm.ijm]');'Convert MiCam Raw to TIFF');
pause (30); %to prevent race condition, needs to be fixed to wait for input
%prepare tiff stack folder fast
myFolder = uigetdir;
filePattern = fullfile(myFolder, '*.tif');
tifffiles = dir(filePattern);
count = length(tifffiles);
for z = 1:count
A =;
I = imreadtiffstack (A, 256);
%crop tiff stack
sizecrop = size(I);
framenum = sizecrop(3);
cropcollector = ones([100 101 256] , 'uint16'); %preallocates matrix for depositing cropped frames
for k = 1:framenum
frame = I(:,:,k);
I2 = imcrop(frame,[20 0 100 100]);
%deinterleaves tiff stack
sizedinlv = size(cropcollector);
framenumdinlv = sizedinlv(3);
oddcollector = ones([100 101 128], 'uint16'); %preallocates array for odd deinterleaved frames
evencollector = ones([100 101 128], 'uint16'); %preallocates array for even deinterleaved frames
countodd = 0;
counteven = 0;
for k2 = (1:framenumdinlv)
if mod(k2, 2)==1
framedinlv = cropcollector(:,:,k2);
countodd = countodd +1;
framedinlv = cropcollector(:,:,k2);
counteven = counteven + 1;
if mod (z, 2)==1;
oddhold = ones([100 101 128], 'uint16');
evenhold = ones([100 101 128], 'uint16');
oddhold = repmat(oddcollector, 1);
evenhold = repmat(evencollector, 1);
odd = num2str(1);
even = num2str(2);
brain = ones([100 101 256], 'uint16');
mouse = ones([100 101 256], 'uint16');
% nameoddframes = strcat(A(1:10), odd);
%nameevenframes = strcat(A(1:10), even);
brain = cat(3, oddhold, oddcollector);
mouse = cat(3, evenhold, evencollector);
%background subtraction
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Antworten (1)
Ashish Uthama
am 15 Aug. 2013
First, try familarizing yourself with the profile tool. That will help you find the main parts which are slow.
I am not sure I follow the code, and there are functions there I am not familar with (like imreadtiffstack).
A code pattern which might be useful in what you are trying to do:
stack = cat(3, 1*ones(3,3), 2*ones(3,3), 3*ones(3,3), 4*ones(3,3));
evenStack = stack(:,:,2:2:end);
oddStack = stack(:,:,1:2:end);
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