CAN-Communication using Raspberry Pi and Simulink

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Henrik Waschke
Henrik Waschke am 24 Mai 2021
Kommentiert: Henrik Waschke am 19 Aug. 2021
im trying to send a CAN-Message from a raspi 4 to an other raspi 4. The receiving raspi have to send the data from the can message to an arduino via SPI.For this im using two mcp2515 can-controller Boards and a level converter for the arduino. SPI communication between the arduino and the raspi is working very well. The only thing i don't get is how i can implementate the can communication in Simulink.
I made two pictures of my implementation.
Very thankful for every answer!
  2 Kommentare
Marius C
Marius C am 18 Aug. 2021
Hi Henrik,
does the CAN-communiation between two raspi 4 work for you?
If yes, which CAN-controller boards are you using?
I'm looking forward hearing from you!
Henrik Waschke
Henrik Waschke am 19 Aug. 2021
Hey Marius,
yes it works, but i only can send 1 Databyte. Im Using the can mcp2515 Joy-it module.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Reeno Joseph
Reeno Joseph am 17 Jun. 2021
Hi Henrik,
The CAN blocks in Raspberry Pi supportpackage communicate with MCP2515 via SPI interface. So you cannot use SPI blocks and CAN blocks together.
If you need the CAN data at Arduino, please use the MKRCAN shield support that we have.

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