xx=[1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250];
K40=[0.4262 0.4313 0.4253 0.4278 0.8554 0.4206 0.426 0.4187 0.4255 0.858 0.8517 0.4257 0.8567 0.4288 0.8488 0.4265 0.8587 0.4183 0.4201 0.4278 0.8572 0.4251 0.4263 0.4291 0.4295 0.4303];
K82=[0.9941 0.8707 0.5442 0.9709 0.5538 0.7029 1.028 0.5364 0.7049 0.5278 0.5341 0.5141 0.8712 0.902 0.9365 0.5382 0.5316 0.9737 0.693 0.9925 0.532 0.9365 1.251 0.9374 0.5504 0.5298];
K152=[0.7171 0.7203 0.7256 0.7197 0.7258 0.7269 0.7132 0.7129 0.6941 0.7257 0.7131 0.7059 0.7191 0.7106 1.012 0.7141 0.7259 0.7182 0.9928 0.7104 0.7136 0.9859 1.001 0.712 0.7045 0.7184];
p = [K40;K82;K152];
figure; bar(p);
title("Bar Histogram");
xlabel("100sec stretches of Data"); ylabel("KK distribution");
legend('Distribution of K@40Hz','Distribution of K@82Hz','Distribution of K@152Hz')