How to disable 'smooth scrolling' in Live Editor

7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Johan Ekelund
Johan Ekelund am 10 Mai 2021
Kommentiert: K. am 28 Jun. 2022
The 'smooth scrooling' feature present in the Live Editor is driving me crazy by introducing real bad input lag and stutters as the 'smooth' scrolling updates around 15 FPS.
My editing experience would be greatly improved if I could disable this feature, so does anyone know how to get rid of the smooth scrolling?

Antworten (2)

K. am 14 Mai 2021
Divya's suggestion can help with scrolling performance when outputs are on the right, but I suspect that's not what you're referring to. Try running the following internal command and see if it helps:'LiveEditorSmoothScrolling', false)
  5 Kommentare
Levi Blake
Levi Blake am 28 Jun. 2022
@K.Is there an equivalent to this setting outside of the Live Editor? I'm having this issue in the standard desktop environment and in App Designer and I can't find a solution
K. am 28 Jun. 2022
@Levi Blake The short answer is no, there isn't another setting. But this particular feature was only ever available in the Live Editor, so it sounds like you're running into a different but similar issue. Please open a tech support case if you'd like to further troubleshoot this. Thanks!

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Divya Gaddipati
Divya Gaddipati am 13 Mai 2021
I assume you are referring to the Synchronous Scrolling feature. To disable this, right-click the output section and select the Disable Synchronous Scrolling option.




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