Filter löschen
Filter löschen

This is the first part of my program, however I'd like the whole program to stop running and end, if , the choice is 'yes'. Because currently the code just keeps on running even after loading the saved model.

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
choice = questdlg('Would you like to load a saved spatial model?','Spatial Model','Yes','No, create new spatial model','No, create new spatial model');
if isequal(choice,'Yes')
disp('A previously saved spatial model has been loaded into the system');
load spatialModel.mat
else isequal(choice,'No, create new spatial model')
disp('Starting a new spatial model~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~');

Akzeptierte Antwort

David Fletcher
David Fletcher am 7 Mai 2021
return should give control back to whatever invoked the script
choice = questdlg('Would you like to load a saved spatial model?','Spatial Model','Yes','No, create new spatial model','No, create new spatial model');
if isequal(choice,'Yes')
disp('A previously saved spatial model has been loaded into the system');
load spatialModel.mat
else isequal(choice,'No, create new spatial model')
disp('Starting a new spatial model~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~');

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