Error using == (line 30) Invalid types for comparison?
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I am using builtin example of matlab on my dataset. when i run the test section it gives me error.
fprintf('%s - Classifying test frames\n', datestr(toc/86400,'HH:MM:SS'))
% Gather the test frames into the memory
testFramesTall = tall(transform(testDSTrans, @helperModClassReadFrame));
rxTestFrames = gather(testFramesTall);
rxTestFrames = cat(4, rxTestFrames{:});
% Gather the test labels into the memory
testLabelsTall = tall(transform(testDSTrans, @helperModClassReadLabel));
rxTestLabels = gather(testLabelsTall);
rxTestPred = classify(trainedNet,rxTestFrames);
testAccuracy = mean(rxTestPred == rxTestLabels);
disp("Test accuracy: " + testAccuracy*100 + "%")
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