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How to convert binary image to graph?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha am 30 Jun. 2013
Hi everybody,
Can you please help me to convert binary image results from _Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) filter._ to graph?!
I don't know how to perform like such operation;
Thanks A lot.....

Akzeptierte Antwort

Kevin am 2 Jul. 2013
So this is a Laplacian matrix? I suggest you decompose this: L=D-A, where D is the degree matrix and A is the adjacency matrix. Then use gplot, which graphs a adjacency matrix as a set of coordinates in a plane.
"help gplot" is your friend
  3 Kommentare
Kevin am 3 Jul. 2013
It's easy to get L if you have A, but I don't think you can recover L from D. D is a diagonal matrix that has as the ith entry, the sum of the ith row of A.
Mariam Sheha
Mariam Sheha am 3 Jul. 2013
what i had now is a binary image results from gaussian filter (as attached), do you know how to convert like such matrix to adjacency matrix??!!
Thanks in advance

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