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applying the formula into the data

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Nurul Ain Basirah Zakaria
Nurul Ain Basirah Zakaria am 17 Apr. 2021
Hi. Can someone please help me to understand this formula:
SSPI is SPI value below the threshold
K is drought threshold
T is duration of drought processes
and if I can apply it to my matrx data in Matlab?
  2 Kommentare
Star Strider
Star Strider am 17 Apr. 2021
What is the calculation doing?
What are , , and and the rest? Are they vectors or matrices, and how does n affect them?
Nurul Ain Basirah Zakaria
Nurul Ain Basirah Zakaria am 17 Apr. 2021
it is an index,
i have a for instance,
420x32x20 as time(precipitation value)xlonxlat
so i need to:
find all the SSPI is SPI value below the threshold in each grid (threshold is k=-1)
and then T is how many there is of drought month (which is month with value -1 till -3

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