How to change the background of graph, I was plotting a graph in different size of screen previously but now i have changed the position of the screen in figure and made the screen to full length, but the graph is coming like a white page?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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How to change that?
2 Kommentare
am 5 Apr. 2021
Some sort of code snippet or a screenshot or a saved figure would help know what's going on.
am 6 Apr. 2021
Don't post comments as answers. Adding answers removes a question from the list of unanswered questions, so fewer people are going to see it and try to work on it.
Okay, so you have an empty plot. What code is creating the thing that's not in the picture? Nobody has much hope of knowing what's missing or why it's missing unless you actually provide relevant information. At this point, you are the only person with information about the problem. Until you address that, you will remain the only person who can solve it.
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