Could not create Python virtual environment

19 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Dawid Kmak
Dawid Kmak am 31 Mär. 2021
Beantwortet: Ricardo Antunes am 6 Jul. 2023
I'm getting error while using rosinit. When i was using python 3.8 i got:
Launching ROS Core...
Could not find Python version 2.7 on your system. Use pyenv function to set the path
to the Python 2.7 executable.
After switching to 2.7 i got this error:
Could not create Python virtual environment. 'C:\Users\User
Name\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2021a\ros1\win64\venv\Scripts\python.exe' is
not found. Verify installation of Python in your system and re-create the Python
virtual environment.

Antworten (3)

Benjamin William Brokaw
Benjamin William Brokaw am 22 Apr. 2021
I was struggling with this problem for so long and it seems we are the only ones having this issue.
What ended up working for me was pip installing virtualenv and then creating a virtual python enviornment with 'virtualenv tmpenv' .
Next I coppied the contents of tmpenv over to AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2021a\ros1\win64\venv\
I had to create this outside of \venv\ because of the way the createOrGetLocalPython.m script works. There is a command to create the directory win64/venv/temp that will error out if the parent folders already exist.
I beleive the culprit is line 135 in createOrGetLocalPython.m:
[stat, res] = system(['"' pyexec '" ' fullfile(tempPythonExtractDir,'virtualenv-16.6.1','') ' --no-setuptools --no-pip --no-wheel ' pyenvDir ' --system-site-packages']);
This line should setup the env for us, but in my case it was returning success but not actually creating it.
Hope this helps!
  3 Kommentare
Auwal SHEHU am 20 Mär. 2022
Hi Robert,
I have similar issue. Please I need your help.
Auwal SHEHU am 20 Mär. 2022
Creating a Python virtual environment...Done.
Error using ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython
Could not create Python virtual environment.
in Matlab

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Murat Belge
Murat Belge am 29 Jun. 2022
ROS Toolbox creates a Python virtual environment in user's prefdir by default. If your user name contains spaces and this gets reflected in prefdir, this will create issues with Python virtual environment generation and later on with custom message generation, etc. To work around this, set 'MY_PYTHON_VENV' environment variable to a directory without spaces and run ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython function as in the following:
>> setenv('MY_PYTHON_VENV','C:\temp\venv')
>> ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython(true)
This will use 'C:\temp\venv' as the root directory for Python virtual environment.
  1 Kommentar
Hari Krishna Kakarla
Hari Krishna Kakarla am 2 Jul. 2022
Minor update to the above Answer. For R2021a relase, The environment variable that has to be set is 'MY_PYTHON2_VENV'.
For the Release older than R2022a, Please execute these commands below and then run ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython(true) function:
>> setenv('MY_PYTHON2_VENV','C:\temp\venv')
>> ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython(true)
From R2022a onwards:
>> setenv('MY_PYTHON_VENV','C:\temp\venv')
>> ros.internal.createOrGetLocalPython(true)

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Ricardo Antunes
Ricardo Antunes am 6 Jul. 2023
Nothing worked on 2023a.
I created a virtual env using python 3.9 (latest compatible with ROS toolbox at this point).
The pointed the ROS toolbox to the python on that envoirement. It worked fine.


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