how to use h2syn or hinfsyn ?
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Hello i am new in controls and i want to use robust control command to evaluate uncertainties... i have added uncertainty in my internal model but i am not getting how to use h2syn or hinfsyn command to design control
my code ************************************
%*********** merging of actuating and plant model eq(8)and(9)************
A = [Ac Bc*Ctilta; zeros(14,6) Atilta];
B = [Bc*Dtilta;Btilta];
C = [Cc Dc*Ctilta];
D = 0 ;
%******internal model with uncertainty**********
w = [2*pi*100 2*pi*200];
m = length(w);
Aik = zeros(2,2,m);
Bik = zeros(2,1,m);
Cik = zeros(1,2,m);
for i = 1:m
Aik(:,:,i) = [0 1; -w(i)^2 0];
Bik(:,:,i) = [0 w(i)^2];
Cik(:,:,i) = [1 0];
j1 = 2 ;
j1 =ureal('j1',2,'Range',[1.2 2.8]); % uncertainty +- 0.8
elta = [0 j1;0 0];
Aip = zeros(2,2,m);
Aip = Aik + elta ; % adding unceratinty in internal model matrices
Ai = [];
X = [];
for ii = 1:m
if (ii+1 <= m)
if (ii-1)*2 <= 0
Ai = [Ai; X Aip(:,:,ii) Bik(:,:,ii)*Cik(:,:,ii+1) zeros(2,2*m-4-(ii-1)*2)];
elseif (2*m-4-(ii-1)*2) <=0
Ai = [Ai; zeros(2,(ii-1)*2) Aip(:,:,ii) Bik(:,:,ii)*Cik(:,:,ii+1) X];
Ai = [Ai; zeros(2,(ii-1)*2) Aip(:,:,ii) Bik(:,:,ii)*Cik(:,:,ii+1) zeros(2*m-4-(ii-1)*2)];
Ai = [Ai; zeros(2,(ii-1)*2) Aip(:,:,ii)];
Bi = [zeros(2*m-2,1); Bik(:,:,m)];
Ci = [Cik(:,:,1) zeros(1,2*m-2)];
%************ merging of actauating plant model***********%%%%
Aaug = [A B*Ci;zeros(4,20) Ai];
Baug = [B ; zeros(4,1)];
Caug = [C zeros(1,4)];
Gaug = [Gtilta;zeros(10,1)];
i want to use h2syn cor hinfsyn command for this to design control and i have read the details but i am not getting how to use this ..
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