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Menu bar App Designer

18 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Marco Picillo
Marco Picillo am 17 Mär. 2021
Kommentiert: Marco Picillo am 18 Mär. 2021
Hi, i created a panel with a plot and other stuff, and a menu. I want to display the panel with its content only when i click to a specific tab of the menu. How can i do that? thank you

Akzeptierte Antwort

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre am 17 Mär. 2021
Us the TabGroupSelectionChanged callback function to set the visibility property of the panel to on/off. Here's what the code might look like if I only wanted to display the panel with Tab2 is visible.
% Selection change function: TabGroup
function TabGroupSelectionChanged(app, event)
selectedTab = app.TabGroup.SelectedTab;
switch selectedTab.Title
case "Tab2"
app.Panel.Visible = 'on';
app.Panel.Visible = 'off';
I would have to set the visibility of the panel to the desired visibilty at launch using the inspector. There is a check box for visible in the Panel Interactivity section of the inspector.
  3 Kommentare
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre am 17 Mär. 2021
Ah, sorry. The OP mentioned clicking on a tab. You can add a MenuSelectedFcn callback. For example, to have it appear when selecting Menu2
% Menu selected function: Menu2
function Menu2Selected(app, event)
app.Panel.Visible = 'on';
You would have to add the code to turn off visibility to whatever function you use to close the menu.
Marco Picillo
Marco Picillo am 18 Mär. 2021
thank you!

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