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Help for a Traffic Simulation

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Son am 23 Mai 2013
Dear all,
I am doing a project about motorway simulation with 3 lanes. Does anyone have ideas or code about this problem ? Thanks a lot !
  4 Kommentare
Jan am 24 Mai 2013
@Walter: It will be extremely hard to validate the simulation even in the described case. While the simulation will show, that the cars have static positions for ever, in the real world some unpredictable entities will remove the damaged cars after a certain delay.
I think, only avoiding the appearence of cars and biological live forms will ensure a reliable simulation, which can be successfully validated.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski am 24 Mai 2013
So a road that's not open... Like the second exit to MathWorks' Natick campus right now :)

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