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Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
divya am 21 Mai 2013
whenever i run the code with parameter(3,2,2*19,4,5) gives error attempt to reference field of non structure array..please help to resolve error
function [x,y]=Untitled2( x, y, IntegralImages, w,h)
% [x,y]=Untitled2( x, y, IntegralImages, w,h)
% Calculate the mean
InverseArea = 1 / (w*h);
mean = GetSumRect(IntegralImages.ii,x,y,w,h)*InverseArea;
% Use the mean and squared integral image to calculate the grey-level
% Varianceiance, of every search window
Variance = GetSumRect(IntegralImages.ii2,x,y,w,h)*InverseArea - (mean.^2);

Antworten (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek am 21 Mai 2013
What is IntegralImages.ii? this causes the error
  2 Kommentare
divya am 21 Mai 2013
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek am 21 Mai 2013
i Want to calculate the mean and variance of image using integral images is not giving me correct answers..can u tell me the error?
function [x,y]=Untitled2( x, y, w,h)
% [x,y]=Untitled2( x, y, IntegralImages, w,h)
function IntegralImages = GetIntergralImages(Picture)
% Resize the image to decrease the processing-time
% if (size(Picture,2) > size(Picture,1)),
% Ratio = size(Picture,2) / 384;
% else
% Ratio = size(Picture,1) / 384;
%Picture = imresize(Picture, [size(Picture,1) size(Picture,2) ]/ Ratio);
% Ratio=1;
% Convert the picture to greyscale (this line is the same as rgb2gray, see help)
Picture=0.2989*Picture(:,:,1) + 0.5870*Picture(:,:,2)+ 0.1140*Picture(:,:,3);
% Make the integral image for fast region sum look up
IntegralImages.ii=padarray(IntegralImages.ii,[1 1], 0, 'pre');
% Make integral image to calculate fast a local standard deviation of the
% pixel data
IntegralImages.ii2=padarray(IntegralImages.ii2,[1 1], 0, 'pre');
% Store other data
IntegralImages.width = size(Picture,2);
IntegralImages.height = size(Picture,1);
% Calculate the mean
InverseArea = 1 / (w*h);
mean = GetSumRect(IntegralImages.ii,x,y,w,h)*InverseArea;
% Use the mean and squared integral image to calculate the grey-level
% Varianceiance, of every search window
Variance = GetSumRect(IntegralImages.ii2,x,y,w,h)*InverseArea - (mean.^2);
Jan am 21 Mai 2013
@divya: No, it is your turn to tell us the error. How could we guess, what the expected "correct" result is?

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