solving ordinary differential equation

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Jasneet Singh
Jasneet Singh am 19 Feb. 2021
Kommentiert: Jasneet Singh am 20 Feb. 2021
Hello , I am trying to solve an ode in matlab
but i'm getting syntax errors. pls help!!
my actual ODE is : m*d2xdt2 + a*(dxdt)^2 + k*x= Fcos(omega*t)
and i need a solution for x which is displacement for an object.
i am trying this way please correct me where i'm wrong
function sol= EQ(t,x)
x=[(F/k)*cos(omega*t)- (m/k)*d2xdt2- (a/k)*(dxdt)^2]
sol=x ;

Akzeptierte Antwort

James Tursa
James Tursa am 19 Feb. 2021
Starting with this differential equation:
m*d2xdt2 + a*(dxdt)^2 + k*x= F*cos(omega*t)
The first step is to solve the equation for the highest order derivative appearing in the equation. This results in:
d2xdt2 = (F*cos(omega*t) - a*(dxdt)^2 - k*x)/m
Now rewrite this as two first order equations using a 2-element vector y, where y(1) is defined to be x and y(2) is defined to be dxdt:
dy(1)dt = dxdt = y(2)
dy(2)dt = d(dxdt)dt = d2xdt2 = (F*cos(omega*t) - a*(dxdt)^2 - k*x)/m = (F*cos(omega*t) - a*(y(2))^2 - k*y(1))/m
From that you can define a derivative function. E.g., expressed in a function handle:
a = 1;
k = 20;
m = 0.5;
F = 0.01;
omega = 2*pi;
dydt = @(t,y) [y(2);(F*cos(omega*t) - a*y(2)^2 - k*y(1))/m];
This function handle is what you can pass to ode45( ).
  13 Kommentare
James Tursa
James Tursa am 20 Feb. 2021
@Jasneet Singh You seem to have ignored all of the code I suggested. Why not give it a try?
Jasneet Singh
Jasneet Singh am 20 Feb. 2021

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 19 Feb. 2021
That line tells us that ode45 is to call an anonymous function passing in two parameters, and that it is to throw away the parameters and call EQ passing in 7 variables whose values had to exist at the time the @ function handle was constructed
But ode45 must be passed at least 3 parameters not just one. The second passed to ode45 must be the time span and the third must be the initial conditions. So ode45 would fail.
If you were to pass the time span and initial conditions to ode45 then it would try to call the anonymous function, which would require recalling those 7 variables. However only tspan and x0 exist, and it would fail trying to find the other ones.
function sol= EQ(t,x)
If the variables did all exist then matlab would try to call EQ but would fail because EQ only expects two parameters.
  1 Kommentar
Jasneet Singh
Jasneet Singh am 19 Feb. 2021
I got your concern, I do have values for all parameters except x .. Then is it correct? I'm facing issue while combining scripts for function and ode when I try to run it. And also if I place any other variable in place of x and bring some changes to script, it says undefined variable x , t etc, Even though they are my outputs.

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