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Avoid exponential values as y-axis label in App Designer

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Maria Hart
Maria Hart am 1 Feb. 2021
Kommentiert: dpb am 2 Feb. 2021
Dear all,
I would like to avoid the exponential style on the y-axes labels. I currently have the following code which results in the following error message: Unrecognized method, property, or field 'ytickformat' for class 'matlab.ui.control.UIAxes'.
I have tried other things such as the codes that I have commented out.
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.Visible = 'on';
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.XLimMode = 'auto';
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.YLimMode = 'auto';
%app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.Exponent = 0;
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.XTick = (1:length(cashflow));%nez
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.XTickLabel = (0:(length(cashflow)-1)); %neu
plot(app.UIAxes_nomcashflow, cashflow,'LineWidth',2.0);
hold(app.UIAxes_nomcashflow, 'on');
hold(app.UIAxes_nomcashflow, 'off');
legend(app.UIAxes_nomcashflow, 'Project 1', 'Project 2');

Akzeptierte Antwort

dpb am 1 Feb. 2021
Bearbeitet: dpb am 2 Feb. 2021
The 'exponent' property is a property of the NumericRuler axis object, not the main axes.
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
should do what you want.
  3 Kommentare
Maria Hart
Maria Hart am 2 Feb. 2021
app.UIAxes_nomcashflow.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
it worked :-)
dpb am 2 Feb. 2021
Yeah, "dot" notation property names are typo, sorry.

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