How to ask use to enter values

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Hussein Hasan Mohsen
Hussein Hasan Mohsen am 7 Dez. 2020
helllo everyone
I fail to create code that asked user to enter inputs and disply one output
1- Ask user enter the 7 inputs
Enter value of H2
Enter value of CH4
until the last one
After user enter all value compare the answer with the limitation of ech input (limitation for each input shown in figure bellow) like limitation of H2 (0-100), CH4 (0-120) and so on....
the output diplay will be ( Ture if no one of input value more then the limitation)
( Faut if one or more more then the limitation)
if there any references...
  2 Kommentare
KSSV am 7 Dez. 2020
Read about input.
Hussein Hasan Mohsen
Hussein Hasan Mohsen am 7 Dez. 2020
input randam from user

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Setsuna Yuuki.
Setsuna Yuuki. am 7 Dez. 2020
Bearbeitet: Setsuna Yuuki. am 7 Dez. 2020
An example of input.
prompt = "Value ";
H2 = input(prompt);
CH4 = input(prompt);
xTable = table(H2,CH4)
xTable =
H2 CH4
__ ___
4 5


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