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Random selection from a pool of questions

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Laiza Perez
Laiza Perez am 2 Dez. 2020
Kommentiert: Setsuna Yuuki. am 3 Dez. 2020
Hello, I am having a bit of trouble with my code. The purpose is for it to randomly select a question from a pool of questions and the user inputs the answer. The code works to where a question is randomly selected but once the user inputs an answer, it says its incorrect even when the answer is correct. I think the issue is that the questions are being randomized but the answers that match the question are not. How can I fix this?
QandA={'what is 6x8? ', '48';
'what is 12x12? ', '144';
'what is 60/12? ', '5';
'what is 5x6? ', '30';
'what is 8x4? ', '32';
'what is 7x9? ', '63';
'what is 54/9? ', '6';
'what is 2x12? ', '24';
'what is 5x10? ' '50';
'what is 9x3? ', '27';
'what is 22/2? ', '11';
'what is 3x10? ', '30'};
qorder = randperm(numel(QandA(:,1)));
QandAreordered = QandA(qorder, :);
for qidx=1:size(QandAreordered, 1)
answer=input(QandAreordered{qidx, 1}, 's');
if strcmp([answer ' '], QandAreordered{qidx, 2})
fprintf('Correct\n', '%s');
fprintf('Incorrect\n', '%s');

Akzeptierte Antwort

Setsuna Yuuki.
Setsuna Yuuki. am 2 Dez. 2020
Bearbeitet: Setsuna Yuuki. am 2 Dez. 2020
I changed 2 lines and it works
QandA={'what is 6x8? ', '48';
'what is 12x12? ', '144';
'what is 60/12? ', '5';
'what is 5x6? ', '30';
'what is 8x4? ', '32';
'what is 7x9? ', '63';
'what is 54/9? ', '6';
'what is 2x12? ', '24';
'what is 5x10? ' '50';
'what is 9x3? ', '27';
'what is 22/2? ', '11';
'what is 3x10? ', '30'};
qorder = randperm(numel(QandA(:,1)));
QandAreordered = QandA(qorder, :);
for qidx=1:size(QandAreordered, 1)
answer=input(QandAreordered{qidx, 1}); %double
if (answer == str2double(QandAreordered{qidx, 2})) %string to double
fprintf('Correct\n', '%s');
fprintf('Incorrect\n', '%s');
  2 Kommentare
Laiza Perez
Laiza Perez am 3 Dez. 2020
what if i wanted to make this a function?
How would I about doing that?
Setsuna Yuuki.
Setsuna Yuuki. am 3 Dez. 2020
what would be your parameters?

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