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2 values for inputs of a function

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Jane Smith
Jane Smith am 17 Nov. 2020
Kommentiert: Stephan am 17 Nov. 2020
If i have a function
L= b + c + d
T= 2*L
and i have 2 of c which are 25 and 60 1 of b which is 5 and 0 of d
where b c and d have their own equation
How can i input 2 values for c?

Antworten (1)

Stephan am 17 Nov. 2020
Bearbeitet: Stephan am 17 Nov. 2020
In case of a vectorized function (yours is) you can use vector inputs:
b = 5;
c = [25; 60];
d = 0;
[T, L] = answ(b,c,d)
function [T, L] = answ(b,c,d)
L= b + c + d;
T= 2*L;
gives vector outputs:
T =
L =
  6 Kommentare
Jane Smith
Jane Smith am 17 Nov. 2020
Error: File: answ.m Line: 8 Column: 27
Function 'answ' has already been declared within this scope.
Stephan am 17 Nov. 2020
Comment out old code or use my in a new script. Copy the whole code and run it.

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